Social fact

In sociology, social facts are the values, cultural norms, and social structures external to the individual and capable of exercising a constraint on that individual.

French sociologist Émile Durkheim states [1] that:

"The first and fundamental rule is to consider social facts as things."


Durkheim's social fact

For Durkheim, sociology was 'the science of social facts'. The task of the sociologist, then, was to search for correlations between social facts to reveal laws. Having discovered the laws of social structure, it is posited that the sociologist is then able to determine whether any given society is 'healthy' or 'pathological' and prescribe appropriate remedies. Durkheim made two main distinctions between social facts--material and nonmaterial social facts. Material social facts, he explained, have to do with the physical social structures which exerts influence on the individual. It is something that can be touched emerging because of society's shared belief that it serves a purpose. Nonmaterial social facts are the values, norms and other conceptually held beliefs.

Among the most known of Durkheim's work is his discovery of the 'social fact' of suicide rates. By carefully examining police suicide statistics in different districts, Durkheim was able to 'demonstrate' that the suicide rate of Catholic communities is lower than that of Protestant communities. He ascribed this to a social (as opposed to individual) cause. This was considered groundbreaking and remains a much-cited work even today.[2] His method of analysis in this work is known as a comparative methodology and his focus is on his concept of anomie.

Initially, Durkheim's 'discovery of social facts' was seen as significant because it promised to make it possible to study the behaviour of entire societies, rather than just of particular individuals. Modern sociologists refer to Durkheim's studies for two quite different purposes, however:

Mauss's total social fact

For Marcel Mauss, a total social fact (french fait social total) is "an activity that has implications throughout society, in the economic, legal, political, and religious spheres".[3] Diverse strands of social and psychological life are woven together through what he comes to call 'total social facts'. A total social fact is such that it informs and organises seemingly quite distinct practices and institutions.[4]

The term was popularized by Marcel Mauss in his classic The Gift where he wrote

"These phenomena are at once legal, economic, religious, aesthetic, morphological and so on. They are legal in that they concern individual and collective rights, organized and diffuse morality; they may be entirely obligatory, or subject simply to praise or disapproval. They are at once political and domestic, being of interest both to classes and to clans and families. They are religious; they concern true religion, animism, magic and diffuse religious mentality. They are economic, for the notions of value, utility, interest, luxury, wealth, acquisition, accumulation, consumption and liberal and sumptuous expenditure are all present..."
—Mauss (1966), 76-77 [5]

See also


  1. ^ Durkheim, E. The Rules of Sociological Method. 1895.
  2. ^ Durkheim, E. Suicide. 1897.
  3. ^ Edgar (1999), 64
  4. ^ Edgar (2002), 157
  5. ^ Mauss (1966), 76-77


  • Edgar, Andrew. (1999). "Cultural Anthropology". in Edgar, Andrew and Sedgwick, Peter R. (eds.). Key Concepts in Cultural Theory. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780415114042
  • Edgar, Andrew. (2002). "Mauss, Marcel (1872-1950)". in Edgar, Andrew and Sedgwick, Peter R. (eds.). Cultural Theory: the Key Thinkers. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780415232814
  • Mauss, Marcel. (1966). The gift; forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies. London: Cohen & West.

Further reading

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